The Conjoncture
Presentation of the conjecture.
Notations and definition of terms used in this site.
The purpose of this site is to present some results concerning the Collatz Conjecture and related functions defined
to explore the properties of this fascinating problem.
It does not prove any results concerning these functions, but proposes models of their behavior and compares them to the
experimental calculations made by the author and other people.
Presentation of the conjecture.
Notations and definition of terms used in this site.
Properties and Model for Total Stopping Time.
Properties and Model for Stopping Time.
Properties and Model for Expansion.
Threads Properties and Arithmectics.
Trajectories Properties.
Loops properties and constraints.
About Verified Class Records.
Models and data for several parameters distributions
Algorithms used for chasing Records.
As to Date.
Links to other Sites.